Due to their large weight and size, commercial trucks have the capability of causing significant injuries and property damage when an accident occurs. Injuries from a truck accident can be devastating. Our firm understands the hardships of recovery, as well as the financial strains one faces from medical expenses, property damage, and everything lost after a semi-truck collision.
Our truck accident attorneys can help you rebuild you and your family’s life following a catastrophic injury. Our injury attorneys are experts in handling cases where negligent and careless truck drivers and trucking companies have caused injuries to pedestrians, bicyclists, auto drivers, and motorcyclists. If you suffered injuries in a crash involving a semi-truck, our truck accident attorneys can provide you with legal assistance in filing a civil claim.
Commercial truck cases can be complicated, as these cases can typically be subject to various complex federal and state laws. Identifying all potentially liable parties also may be challenging, depending on the relationships between the driver, the truck owner, the trucking company. As a result, consulting our truck accident attorneys after suffering injuries in a truck accident may be necessary to litigate your case properly.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck crash, our law firm will work hard to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation that you deserve. It costs you nothing to get a well-qualified opinion about your injury claim and any settlement offer from one of our lawyers. Please contract TLO-LAW to arrange a free consultation today.
We handle Trucking Accident cases in New York.