Traumatic brain injuries are often permanent and always life-changing. From cognitive problems or personality changes to the financial hardships and emotional stress, a brain injury takes a toll on the victim and the whole family. The person may require ongoing medical care, assistance with daily living, occupational therapy and other services, while coping with depression or altered self-esteem.
Traumatic brain injuries can result in complicated legal resolutions, particularly when calculating damages and foreseeing future medical expenses. Skilled attorneys who are experienced in dealing with traumatic brain injuries and the underlying issue, such as a car accident, slip and fall case, assault and battery, or injury on the jobsite, are essential in bringing timely cases that can result in accurate and fair compensation for the injured party. TLO-LAW has advocated for victims of catastrophic injuries and our brain injury attorneys have a national reputation in traumatic brain injury cases, reflected in several multimillion-dollar recoveries for clients.
At the TLO-LAW, we understand that your ability to receive the medical care you need, your ability to support your family during your recovery and beyond, and even your peace of mind may depend on receiving the compensation you deserve. Our goal is always to recover the full value of your claim. Please contact TLO-LAW to arrange a free consultation today.
We handle Traumatic Brain Injury cases in New York.